At running loads, the Air Flow is ABOUT the same down each Runner Bank.. The ECU/O2 Sensor Feedback can adjust for the Minor Differences in Air Flow in the Banks.. When Idle Happens, The Air Flow Differences between the Sides is 'Inhanced' by by the High Vacuum and Low Air Flows of an Idling Engine.. IF the Intake had a SINGLE T-Body with a LARGE Crossover between the Banks, then the same Air Flow is almost Guaranteed from side to side.. The Z32 has Separate Air Banks, Separate PCV Valves, Separate Cam Banks, and a Common MAF / ECU that Must take the Total Air delivered and ASSUME it's split in half.. Not mentioned in any posts I've seen before.. but I know from my Z's that Cam Timing Differences between banks will cause the air flow to change drastically at Idle.. IF you do a Cylinder Balance test, it will give a Clue if you have a 'Possible Bank Timing' Problem, as one bank will generally have a Lower RPM Drop than the other.. I'd look at Cam Timing if you have to open the T-Bodies to far to get the Bank RPM Drop the same.. These are just a FEW of the possible options.. From what I've observed, the O2 Feedback at Idle is not very good, and can not 'Fix' much of the Air Flow Differences.. If you have Minor Air or Fueling Differences at Idle, it will prevent the 'O2 Cycling' that is required to keep the Cats Alive.. How far off yours is, is unknown.. I'm not saying you don't have an injector problem.. You Might.. I'm saying do a Balance Test.. Post it so I can can see it.. Cj